Marketing Model Name: PB-108
Commercial Name: Power bank Canyon PB-108 10000 mAh Black (CNE-CPB1008B)
Capacitatea curentului bateriei: 10000 mAh
Connectors Quantity: 4
Culoare externă: Negru
Tensiune iesire: DC 5 V
Curent maxim iesire: 2.1 A
Suporta Tehnologie celula baterie: Litiu polimer
Latime (mm): 68 mm
Inaltime (mm): 16 mm
Adancime (mm): 140 mm
Greutate nominala: 0.23 kg
Produse returnabile aflate in garantie: Da
Criterii de validare a garantiei: Număr de serie
Termen garantie (luna): 24 luna(i)
Adancime pachet: 100 mm
Grosimea pachetului: 26 mm
Inaltime pachet: 170 mm
Greutatea neta a pachetului: 0.23 kg
Bucati in pachet: 1
Adancimea cutiei: 360 mm
Latimea cutiei: 228 mm
Inaltimea cutiei: 225 mm
Greutatea bruta a cutiei: 9.24 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton: 0.04 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic: 0 kg
Pachete (colete) in cutie: 32
Tip pachet: Retail
Dimensions of pallet (by air)(cm): 1200x1000x
Quantity of the boxes per pallet (by sea)(pcs): 96
Quantity of the packs per pallet (by sea)(pcs): 3072
Dimensions of pallet (by sea)(cm): 1200x1000x1950 mm